With the sad loss of our pastor, we are in a transition phase. It is important for us to hear the voices of one another as to the vision for our parish, its strengths, and needs. A group of parishioners came together on Tuesday, September 24, 2024. The following is a summary of that meeting.
Transition Updates
There has been communication with the Archdiocese. They are still working out the priestly positions. Fr. Emmons has already applied to extend his service to 2025. (Once a priest is of retirement age, he must apply for an extension each year to continue working.) Fr. Emmons has had help with the
weekly Masses from OMC, St. Raymond’s, and St. Vincent’s.
A letter of recommendation requesting that the Archdiocese keep Fr. Emmons at Holy Cross for continuity and for a smoother transition was circulated at all the Masses last weekend and via Flocknote. Signatures were optional. There were 108 signatories. The letter and signatures were dropped off to the offices of Archbishop Peréz, the Moderator of the Curia, and Fr. Zloch.
For those interested in learning more about the archdiocesan deanery structure, click here.
[Recent Update: Archbishop Peréz has appointed Fr. Charles Zlock, pastor at St. Raymond’s, as the official parochial administrator temporarily of Holy Cross Parish. In the meantime, Fr. Emmons will remain as Parochial Vicar. See letter below.]
Ideas/Questions for Fostering Community Outreach
As mentioned at previous meetings, it would be helpful to nurture relationships with the IMS school next door. Fr. Delacey, one of the visiting priests, is the liaison for IMS schools in the archdiocese and may be helpful to this effort. The principal of the school is amenable to collaborations. In the past we have participated in events such as Designer Bag Bingo and
pancake breakfasts. The school offers religion classes which might present opportunities for connections.
- What about religious education for children and young adults: prep for Holy Communion, pre-Cana classes, Children’s Liturgy of the Word at Sunday Mass?
- B. Purnell announced that she has turned over the facilitation of Adult Bible Study meetings to Bruce Giermann .
- Might simple activities such as Christmas caroling and spaghetti dinners connect people to church?
- Sending out welcoming postcards to neighbors is another way to engage.
- Our Food Pantry continues to be a successful neighborhood offering.
- Can we tap into resources offered at other parishes?
If events attract us at Holy Cross, it is easier to invite friends to join us.
If we offer annual events, people come to expect them.
AGAPE Prayer Experience
Gloria Moseley, daughter of Barbara and Deacon Purnell, facilitated an Agape activity, a love feast including the Christian community meal of wine and bread (in this case, grape juice and goldfish) to bring people closer together. It was a beautiful experience.
The next evening meeting date is Tuesday, October 8 at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Room. We look forward to hearing from you.
Letter read by Fr. Emmons and Fr. Zlock this past weekend:
I have been asked by the Archdiocese to share the following announcement at all the Masses this weekend about pastoral leadership for our parish community.
Archbishop Pérez, responding to the pastoral needs of Holy Cross Parish after the sudden passing of our Pastor, Father William Grogan, has appointed Father Charles Zlock, Pastor of Saint Raymond of Penafort Parish and Dean of Philadelphia Northeast as Parochial Administrator, Pro Tem of Holy Cross Parish.
Please join me in gratitude to Father Zlock for taking on this additional pastoral responsibility. Father Zlock will continue to reside at Saint Raymond Parish and Father Emmon’s (I) will continue to reside in the Holy Cross Rectory.
During this period of transition may we all continue to pray for the guidance and wisdom of the Holy Spirit."